Jessica Ibsen
Slidell, LA
Event: Hot Chocolate 15K
Date: October 29, 2017
"My running began 4 years ago after being diagnosed with "pre-diabetes" and "at-risk for heart attack". Instead of taking the multiple prescriptions from the doctor I walked out of that office determined to correct my lifestyle.
Jessica's Why
I'm a middle aged mother of two, but that hardly seems like how I'd define myself. I am an adventure-seeking runner that is constantly looking for the next bucket list item to cross off. My running began 4 years ago after being diagnosed with "pre-diabetes" and "at-risk for heart attack". Instead of taking the multiple prescriptions from the doctor I walked out of that office determined to correct my lifestyle. I lost 35 pounds in three months by changing my diet and found a love for being outdoors and running. Since then, I've reversed both of those diagnoses and have run 25 half marathons, obtained a Spartan trifecta, 2 full marathons, and one ultra marathon. I've coached 4 people in running, helping them achieve their goal race, whether it was a Spartan, a Half, or a Full Marathon.
It Takes a Village
My finances have become very limited. Part of the reason I run is to set an example to my two children. They have seen me face several hurdles and fight and claw my way to the finish. They've seen me hobble in after suffering two 2nd degree sprains at the finish to the Spartan Beast and begin rehab immediately so I could train for my first marathon. I want to show them that if you believe and work hard, there's nothing you can't do. That message of positive thinking is something I pass on to each person I coach in running and it's something I keep repeating to myself, especially now. Last year, a large nodule was discovered on my thyroid and while the biopsy came back benign, the six month check up has shown that it is growing. It's started to limit my vocal range and constantly feels like a lump in my throat. That type of aggressive growth could mean that they simply missed the malignant area during the biopsy last year. The doctor is now saying my thyroid will need to be removed - which means I will live the rest of my life on prescriptions to replace the hormone that will no longer be produced. I don't want to show this limiting me and I don't want my children to think that one set back can prevent you from your dreams.
#liveforaliving in motion
If money wasn't an object, what would I change?
I would love to be a professional run coach. I love helping people find a passion in running, and running right there with them every step of the way, including in their goal event.
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