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Abusing Myself to Support the Abused

Running 3000 Miles Across the United States of America to Prevent & Treat Child Abuse

Sometimes, I can’t even believe it myself. Like a dream. I mean, I ran 3,142 miles, from the dirty ol’ East River in Manhattan, NY, to the beautiful Bay of San Francisco, CA.

Thirty miles a day.

Twelve pairs of shoes.

Five months beating the streets America across twelve states:

  1. New York

  2. New Jersey

  3. Pennsylvania

  4. Ohio

  5. Indiana

  6. Illinois

  7. Iowa

  8. Nebraska

  9. Colorado

  10. Utah

  11. Nevada

  12. California

And finally, one year later, I am ready to relive it. Recount it. Share my stories with the world.

See this Instagram gallery in the original post